It would be a bit of effort, but would probably pay off to some extent in
the long run:

Make up some professional-looking (i.e. NOT handwritten) single-page Tip
Sheets.  We'll call them that for now, if for no other reason than I can't
think of anything fancier.  Briefly and simply explain the issue of
frequency conflict/control.  Include the concept of pin boards and stress
the importance of ASKING FOR HELP at fields, if one is uncertain of the

Print these on brightly-colored paper (the fluorescent reds or greens come
to mind).  Leave a stack of 100 or so at all the local could
enlist the help of a couple of the local clubs with the task.  Talk to the
manager at each of the stores and try to get them to agree to include one of
these sheets with EVERY radio and/or flying package sale.  Stress the
importance of the issue with him/her, that we're trying to be proactive with
a real problem.

Visit the shop(s) once a month or as necessary to keep the flyers stocked
and talk to the shop personnel.  This won't get everyone and maybe it's
already been tried to no avail.  You may also get a cold reception at some
places, but it could work.  You might also pick up some new talent in the
process.  Just thinking out in public here...opinions?


> ----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 6:40 PM
> Subject: [RCSE] Frequency Control / safety
> > I'd like some constructive ideas about how I can work to improve the
> > situation.

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