> "[...].  Also note that TFTP uses UDP as its transport.  [...]
> [This] also means that TFTP supports broadcasts, meaning you don't
> have to configure the TFTP client with the IP address of a particular
> TFTP server."

While it's not terribly relevant to the problem at hand, this is
somewhat inaccurate.  Using UDP does not mean that TFTP supports
broadcasts; it means that TFTP can support broadcasts if it chooses -
as it happens, TFTP did choose to.  And while the broadcast support may
mean that some particular TFTP client at hand need not be configured
with a server address (and thus may not be inaccurate in a "booting
FreeBSD" context), that is a property of the particular TFTP client in
question; there are TFTP clients that require a server name/address.

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