
jacco wrote:
> The part of the graphing script communicating with the device is this:
> printf \x11\x00\x00\x00\xB6\x00\x00\x00\xC7 > /dev/tty
> dd if=/dev/tty of=/root/tmp/output bs=1 count=31 &
> The result I get:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 36 ~# ./test.sh
> x11x00x00x00xB6x00x00x00xC7
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 37 ~# dd: /dev/tty: Input/output error
> 1+0 records in
> 1+0 records out
> 1 bytes transferred in 6.744 secs (0 bytes/sec)

Looking at the script part that you've provided in your email and looking at 
the supplied output
I would say that you use the wrong tty device.

The output that was supposed to go to the solar-device is output to your own 
Now I'm not that familiar with OpenBSD but /dev/tty is usualy the system 
concole device on most unix'es

On Solaris/BSD's serial-devices/-ports are usually called something like 
/dev/cua?? /dev/ttyd?

But maybe someone on this list that know OpenBSD better that I can help you 
with that actual device naming for serial devices on OpenBSD ?



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