Hi TechKid PC,

On Sun, 2009-04-12 at 17:57 -0800, TechKid PC wrote:
> From: "Christopher R. Hertel" <c...@ubiqx.mn.org>
> > That's why it's called "comBIOS".  The Soekris BIOS sends its output to 
> > the
> > serial port.
> Ah thanks that explains it. That was the only way I assumed would prove 
> useful for trouble shooting any boot errors but all the documentation I have
> found online did not mention it operated in that manner.

Access to the Soekris comBIOS is not just useful for watching boot
messages. It's an essential tool in case of trouble. See the Soekris
documentation and the Soekris Wiki:

> Last question I hope: Do you have any links that explains how to initiate a 
> connection to the combios from another computer? I assume I use telnet or 
> hyper terminal? What options should be used? 

Attach a terminal emulator (cu, minicom, hyperterminal, whatever..) to
the serial line in question. The Wiki site should hold some info on how
it's done for the more common terminal emulators. The most important
thing, as Paul Bartell pointed out, is to have a null modem cable
config. I use a null modem cable attached to a standard Serial-USB
adapter for that.

Have fun pressing Control-P;)


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