From: "Bill Maas" <>
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 1:22 AM

> On Thu, 2009-04-30 at 21:58 -0800, TechKid PC wrote:
>> I finally have the necessary cables and am able to access the comBIOS via 
>> a
>> USB->Serial->Null-Mode->Female-Gender-Changer adapter chain.
> With that you should have dealt with about 80% of standard possible
> trouble.

I know its a pretty convoluted setup. :-P
But it is the *only* thing that worked as my laptop does not include a 
serial port.
I am able to use the comBIOS without any problems, so it seems to be working 

> If the Soekris site doesn't state that MicroSD cards are supported, the
> odds are against you.. (this is a case of "non-standard possible
> trouble")

That could very well be the case. The comBIOS however does see the card and 
list it when I first turn it on with the proper size.

Out of curiosity, do you know why some CF brands work better then others 
when it comes to compabilitiy?
I could see if a manufacturer did not include support for a certain call or 
function, but if the card is booting just fine off of a desktop via a 
CF->IDE adapter how could it not work with a soekris box? (Asuming the disk 
geometry is not the issue, which mention at the bottom of this message)

>> On a second note, I dont see any way to "hard reset" the bios settings 
>> that
>> are changed via the set command. What recovery options are available if 
>> one
>> sets an incorrect option in the combios and disables serial output (or
>> something similar) making it impossible to manage the device? There is no
>> removable battery and no reset jumper I can find.
> Section 2.5 of the Soekris net4801 manual, preliminary version 0.01;).

I read that section in the manual, as well as the in the wiki under:

They just list what the options are for, not how to reset any of them if you 
are unable to see any output.

From: "686f6c6d" <>
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 12:56 AM

> I am no expert, but other than setting a unusual baudrate (which you
> would have to guess then to make it work again) I see no way to
> achieve such a mess-up. at least, I have not yet managed to do that.

Ah ok that makes sense and could be an "answer" to my question about not 
seeing a reset option for the bios.
If there are no settings that could be changed which could "lock" out the 
user then a reset feature is not needed.
Ive seen many people overclock a cpu/ram, set a password and forget it, etc. 
in their destktop PC's bios and the only way to fix it is the reset jumper. 
I was worried something similar could happen with the Soekris box.

I assume that the conMute setting simply prevents output from being sent to 
the serial port, but still accepts commands?
(Such as set ConMute=Disabled)

> Im' not sure from your explanation if you did this installation on a
> PC or your Soekris. If it was on a PC, did you give fdisk (maybe
> before, maybe during install) the correct disk geometry values as
> described in

That could very well be the case. I didnt even think of checking the 
geometry values.
Ill give it a try and if it does not work I will pickup a sandisk CF card.

Thanks for the replies,

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