
On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 9:44 AM, Eric Thivierge <ethivie...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Also to note, if you're in a mixed pipeline but need the same tool (asset
> loader for example) creating the UI in Qt will keep it consistant across
> apps. Recently I ported my renamer tool to PyQt and it looks exactly the
> same in Maya as it does in Softimage. Small tweaks to the code obviously
> for the actual renaming.
> PyQt is a pythonic way of creating UIs as well so if you're familiar with
> python programming, creating UIs will feel more natural than the Softimage
> PPG widgets. As Tim said above, it's infuriatingly hard to create nicely
> spaced UIs in Softimage out of the box.
> Also if any of the devs are reading, please can we get a built in PyQt
> implementation? Pretty please? If I had a choice as to where my
> subscription money went, I'd put it all towards that. :D
> --------------------------------------------
> Eric Thivierge
> http://www.ethivierge.com
> On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 9:30 AM, Simon Anderson <
> simonbenandersonl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> As Tim wrote, what ever you can imagen you can achieve with Qt, and
>> usualy extremly rappidly due to the structure of the API. In the past I
>> have writen entire project tracking systems, and some really fun and
>> interactive tools.
>> The only down side to QT is that at the moment if you do develop a plugin
>> and a user wasnt to run it they have to install a bunch of 3rd party
>> plugins to get the software to run, but if your willing to do that then you
>> can have some really great tools.
>> On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 8:07 AM, Tim Crowson <
>> tim.crow...@magneticdreams.com> wrote:
>>>  That's not a stupid question. I'll answer as best I can. More
>>> experienced people can correct me and add their own voices. The PPG options
>>> in Softimage are substantially more limited than what Qt offers. And by
>>> 'substantially,' I mean not even in the same category. I can't possibly
>>> cover all the differences, but I can hit some practical highlights:
>>> *Under-the-hood stuff:*
>>> - A great variety of signals for defining more specific callbacks (not
>>> limited to on_clicked() or on_changed())
>>> - Model view programming, to efficiently store and share data across
>>> your UI! This is big!
>>> - The full power of the Qt library, which contains over 400 classes.
>>> - UI files created in QtDesigner can be loaded into any app that runs a
>>> Python Qt library (as far as I know). So it's good for more than just
>>> Softimage stuff.
>>> *
>>> Look-and-feel stuff:*
>>> - Tab Widgets anywhere you want. You're not limited to placing them at
>>> the top
>>> - Buttons defined to look any way you like
>>> - Intelligent 'Layouts' that resize their contents elegantly (including
>>> Slider layouts which can be collapsed)
>>> - Dockable widgets
>>> - Tree views!
>>> - Menu bars!
>>> - Status bar!
>>> - Toolbars!
>>> - Extremely detailed control over the design via CSS.
>>> I could go on, but perhaps we need some people to post more examples to
>>> really demonstrate how useful it is.
>>> *Tim Crowson
>>> **Lead CG Artist*
>>> *Magnetic Dreams Animation Studio, Inc.
>>> *2525 Lebanon Pike, Building C. Nashville, TN 37214
>>> *Ph*  615.885.6801 | *Fax*  615.889.4768 | www.magneticdreams.com
>>> tim.crow...@magneticdreams.com
>>> On 8/29/2012 3:17 PM, piotrek marczak wrote:
>>>  Sorry for stupid question, but what’s advantage of using qt over PPG?
>>>  *From:* Tim Crowson <tim.crow...@magneticdreams.com>
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 29, 2012 4:12 PM
>>> *To:* softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
>>> *Subject:* Re: Some more questions about PyQt in Softimage (addon
>>> v1.14: fixesbutton size and adds command to Soft menu)
>>>  As a matter of fact, Simon, that's the exact setup I use! I especially
>>> like Eclipse's "interactive debugging", for lack of a better term, where it
>>> instantly highlights syntax errors, unused variables, undefinied variables,
>>> etc. Really speeds things up! So many other things to like about Eclipse
>>> too. So far, my workflow is to create a new addon directory from Soft, then
>>> set that as a PyDev project in Eclipse. I still use Sublime Text 2 every
>>> now and then for one-offs, but Eclipse my main environment.
>>> *Tim Crowson
>>> **Lead CG Artist*
>>> *Magnetic Dreams Animation Studio, Inc.
>>> *2525 Lebanon Pike, Building C. Nashville, TN 37214
>>> *Ph*  615.885.6801 | *Fax*  615.889.4768 | www.magneticdreams.com
>>> tim.crow...@magneticdreams.com
>>> On 8/28/2012 6:25 PM, Simon Anderson wrote:
>>> Im not sure what Dev Environment you are using, but if you use eclipse
>>> and install pyDev for it, when you develop for Qt you get auto completion,
>>> wich can be very helpful.
>>> On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 1:11 AM, Ana Gomez <agomezalca...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Life with stylesheet becomes easier when you find this:
>>>> http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/stylesheet-reference.html
>>>> http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/stylesheet-examples.html
>>> --
>>> -------------------
>>> Simon Ben Anderson
>>> blog: http://vinyldevelopment.wordpress.com/
>>> --
>> --
>> -------------------
>> Simon Ben Anderson
>> blog: http://vinyldevelopment.wordpress.com/

Simon Ben Anderson
blog: http://vinyldevelopment.wordpress.com/

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