On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 12:22 PM, Andy Nicholas <a...@andynicholas.com>wrote:

>  Sure thing. It's attached.
> Yep, for some reason the version of the compound included with our current
> install of XSI is broken, but Michal's version works fine.

Yes, you're right the factory version is broken (sort of). I was loading a
working version from my own workgroup - I must have experienced this issue,
then promptly forgot all about it.
However, if you add the compound through the ICE > After emission menu,
then the working compound (version 1.1) is placed in the ICE tree. If you
drag and drop from the preset browser, then version 1.0 with missing
connections is added. Weird.

I'm curious to know if other people used it in production!

I've used it a few times for floaty pollen and plankton effects. It gives a
really nice and fast fluid motion. Unfortunately those kinds of little
elements don't survive web compression...

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