Thanks for your help guys. Michal Doniec also sent me a full compound as well 
as a screen shot of how everything should be connected. So all that as well as 
your suggestions should be enough to go on, I'll check it all out tomorrow. 

Thanks again!

On 12 Nov 2012, at 18:49, Rob Chapman wrote:

> think you have to have it connected AND setup properly to see it working.  
> depends if you are moving as forces or as postions as well.  Ive used it a 
> lot and highly recommend it. also if you do Get>ICE|>get bubbles an ICE tree 
> compound is made with the curl noise framework correctly set up inside already
> hope that helps!
> On 12 November 2012 18:36, Ciaran Moloney <> wrote:
> Used it on a few jobs. It's great! Sorry, that's not helpful at all. Also, no 
> disconnected nodes here when I do a simple d&d from the preset browser. 2012 
> or 13?
> On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 6:26 PM, Andy Nicholas <> wrote:
>  Hi guys,
> Has anyone managed to get the Curl Noise Framework compound working? I had a
> look inside it and there are a whole load of disconnected nodes. It looks like
> it was exported without the "Embed internal compounds" flag ticked (always a 
> mistake!) and is missing a compound that it relied on.
> Having said that, I just checked the XML of the compound and all the nodes
> mentioned in it are instantiated in the compound. It's as if it was exported
> incorrectly at Autodesk's end.
> If anyone knows how to get it working, or can give me a couple of pointers as 
> to
> what needs to be plugged in to what, I'd be super appreciative.
> Thanks,
> Andy

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