I Just watched the video this evening (not at my office these days unfortunatly) I'm completly blown away by what I saw ! I'm smilling stupidly atm.... I really hope the particle instance integration won't take long so that I can throw something to render...
Nicholas that's super great stuff.

Would you share some demo/tutorial scenes for us to have a quickstart ? (never rendered with that kind of engine before)

Awesome anyway !

Le 15/03/2013 18:12, Len Krenzler a écrit :
Yes it does.

On 3/15/2013 9:31 AM, Guillaume Laferriere wrote:
I wonder how this looks with a render region with alpha blending turned on. The renderer would need to output RGBA and support the render region. Does it?

From: softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com [mailto:softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com] On Behalf Of Len Krenzler
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 11:13 AM
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
Subject: Re: Announcing Redshift - Biased GPU Renderer

I only have a GTX470 and it flies even with that! I'm testing a scene right now with 4.5 mil polys and a 12k HDR lighting texture as well as other large textures and no problem.

On 3/15/2013 8:58 AM, Tim Crowson wrote:
I've been really impressed with the performance and integration so far. I still need to throw some heavy scenes at it thow. But considering what it can do on a single card, I can't wait to see how it will run once multiple cards are supported.

Either way, this is already a win for the Softimage community. Big thanks to Nicolas and his team!

On 3/15/2013 9:32 AM, Mirko Jankovic wrote:
actualy I already have an 580 in another comp so that itself is not problem :)

On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 3:29 PM, Emilio Hernandez <emi...@e-roja.com<mailto:emi...@e-roja.com>> wrote: Well Mirko as Len said. You might just reconsider going back to Nvidia. CUDA is coming strong on a lot of apps. And getting first than ATI. You can buy a GTX 470 for 200 bucks.

2013/3/15 Mirko Jankovic <mirkoj.anima...@gmail.com<mailto:mirkoj.anima...@gmail.com>> well honestly... I'm on gaming cards because pro cards really are not justified with price in my case, and with gaming line ati right now is twice the speed of nvidia really... so just for rendering t o sacrifice all viewport performance.. I'm not sure that is something I would be willing to do :) not sure how mixing cards on same board would work with different drivers and everything to have one nvidis just for rendering.. anyway that is all different story and not really relevant in this case. in any case this is so refreshing

On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 2:39 PM, Len Krenzler <l...@creativecontrol.ca<mailto:l...@creativecontrol.ca>> wrote:
You might want to move back just for this...just sayin'...

On 3/15/2013 7:35 AM, Mirko Jankovic wrote:
uuuuu soo nice! now just to wait for OpenCL version whenever it comes.. I moved away from nvidia completely :)

On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 2:33 PM, Emilio Hernandez <emi...@e-roja.com<mailto:emi...@e-roja.com>> wrote: Everything is supported Mirko! It is like having the old and crumpy MR reborn with power, speed and awsome result. Integration with Softimage is seamless.

2013/3/15 Mirko Jankovic <mirkoj.anima...@gmail.com<mailto:mirkoj.anima...@gmail.com>> hey I haven't really seen if region rendering is supported as well or only preview window? just wondering

On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 2:17 PM, Len Krenzler <l...@creativecontrol.ca<mailto:l...@creativecontrol.ca>> wrote: +1! Absolutely out of this world! How you guys got all this done so fast is mind blowing. Integrated into SI too, not just an export plugin. This is truly ground breaking!

On 3/14/2013 10:06 PM, Emilio Hernandez wrote:
Let me tell you that I just put my hands on this baby and wow!!! This is going to rock the rendering world. And for Softimage!!!! Awsome guys congratulations on this one. My quadro 3000 finally is awake!!!

2013/3/14 Sylvain Lebeau <s...@shedmtl.com<mailto:s...@shedmtl.com>>
congrats to you and team Nicolas!!

Sylvain Lebeau // SHED
V-P/Visual effects supervisor
T 514 849-1555 F 514 849-5025 WWW.SHEDMTL.COM<http://www.shedmtl.com/> <http://WWW.SHEDMTL.COM>
On 3/14/2013 10:35 PM, Nicolas Burtnyk wrote:
Hey guys,

I'm going to respond to the last few messages regarding the importance of speed later, but in the meantime here is a video of some live rendering in Softimage.



On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 1:17 PM, <pete...@skynet.be<mailto:pete...@skynet.be>> wrote:
you are right of course, as always.

what is really needed is a fine balance between quality and speed,
at a pricepoint that is affordable yet high enough to sustain development,
and available before my retirement.

From: Andy Moorer<mailto:andymoo...@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2013 9:02 PM
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com<mailto:softimage@listproc.autodesk.com>
Subject: Re: Announcing Redshift - Biased GPU Renderer

Well said, but speed is still important, deadlines are tight and particularly in the iterative direction phase often re-rendering takes much more time than making a directed change. "Dailies" reflect this... A series of several directed tweaks to a shot can stretch over several days in part to allow time to make changes and get them rendered... A major limitation to working with rendered VFX elements versus composite effects which can often be altered in near realtime.

Sent from my iPad

On Mar 14, 2013, at 4:21 AM, <pete...@skynet.be<mailto:pete...@skynet.be>> wrote:
Please also bear in mind that we're still just in alpha and constantly improving performance. We're kind of obsessed with speed :)
speed is great of course - but IMO it's not the most important factor.

over the years we have all been doing productions with rather long rendertimes, running into hours per frame and more. The bottom line was rarely "it has to be rendered in X amount of time" - clients couldn't care less. It has to be good enough first and rendered in time for delivery.

it's been a long time I'm looking forward for a viewport/GPU mental ray replacement in softimage. Hopefully staying below 5 minutes for complex HD images and within 1 minute for more simple stuff - but more importantly, it should have the bells and whistles of a modern raytracer, and deliver production quality rendering - that can be very precisely tweaked by the user.

It's very frustrating to get a promising image very fast, but not being able to make the image really final - some remaining artifacts, sampling problem or no ability to finetune this or that effect or simply lack of a feature you really require - so in turn you have to bite the bullet and go back to good old offline rendering - and the corresponding rendertimes will be twice as frustrating. Very extensive support for lighting features - not just GI / AO / softshadows / softreflections - but also SSS, raytraced refractions, motion blur, volumetrics, ICE support, instancing, hair - and a good set of shaders and support for the rendertree and as many of the factory shaders as possible.

Mental ray never became the standard it was because of speed - but because of what one can achieve with it. (and then you have to turn off a few things left and right for final renders in order to make rendertimes acceptable) Obviously in this day and age it's features are getting long in the tooth as well, which opens the door wide open for others - but it remains a reference for what a renderer should at least aspire to.

just some thoughts and hints of what matters to me when considering a new renderer.




Len Krenzler - Creative Control Media Productions

Phone: 780.463.3126<tel:780.463.3126>

www.creativecontrol.ca<http://www.creativecontrol.ca> - l...@creativecontrol.ca<mailto:l...@creativecontrol.ca>




Len Krenzler - Creative Control Media Productions

Phone: 780.463.3126<tel:780.463.3126>

www.creativecontrol.ca<http://www.creativecontrol.ca> - l...@creativecontrol.ca<mailto:l...@creativecontrol.ca>





Len Krenzler - Creative Control Media Productions

Phone: 780.463.3126

www.creativecontrol.ca<http://www.creativecontrol.ca> - l...@creativecontrol.ca<mailto:l...@creativecontrol.ca>

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