Gene - this would be of huge interest I think - every studio I have been at we have needed to do this, and have always fudged it - never had the time to even start looking at creating a tool!

So - a big yes from me!


On 2013/07/10 5:09 AM, Gene Crucean wrote:
Hey folks,

Who's in the mood for some open-source camera I/O code? I'm kind of getting bummed out on having to write the same camera tools at every studio just to get a simple, lightweight and most importantly reliable camera pushed around from app to app. FBX does *not* cut it, not to mention it's not available for all apps that could make use of it. So I thought I would whip up a spec based on json and offer it up open source so anyone willing to donate some time, could create some simple tools to import/export for their favorite app. The spec is VERY lightweight and doesn't include some things that I'm sure someone will want... but please let me know your thoughts.

I already have a Softimage plugin working (consider it alpha). At this point it only has minor sanity checking and logic tests and I'm sure there are a zillion ways to improve it. But it's a start. The goal is to at least have plugins that all read and write the same spec from Houdini, Softimage, Maya, Max, Blender, Nuke... and more. I've built the Soft one using PyQt and it would be nice to maintain some consistency between apps, so I'm hopeful that the other versions could be based off of the same .ui file.

What do you guys think? Any interest in this? I know it's a simple thing but I'm sure a lot of you also write these tools at studios quite a bit too and could possibly be into something like this.

Check out the spec and source, and if you have time, play with the Soft plugin here:

If you have completely zero interest in this... no worries. Thanks for looking.

-Gene <>

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