Hello there,

I'm working on a Meccano project (Lego like construction kit).
In short : 320 Pieces of Meccano are lying on the ground, they fly together and form the final object (a truck).

I shall use particle instances and use velocities to drive them to their final position.

Instances are in  group.

I have 2 models :
Model one is Starting position (Start Group),
Model 2 is End (goal) Positions (End Group).

Everything works relying on Objects IDs within groups.

What will happen if I delete and/or add objects to both groups ? How can I force Ice to keep track of IDs ?
Is alphabetical naming enough ?
removing from group object "Bolt_030" from both groups and then adding to group another new "Bolt_030" object, will this work ?

That's something I should test soon, but having some inputs on this would be great.

Thank you !

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