To keep track of IDs, I created custom parameters per object with a unique ID. Then in ICE, I just search for the ID parameter in the group to find it's index in the list of the group. You could use a similar technique in your situation.


On 26/08/2013 2:58 PM, Grahame Fuller wrote:
Just to add that you can see and modify the "creation order":,topicNumber=d30e8932
 (scroll down to Sorting and Reordering Elements in the Explorer).


[] On Behalf Of Alan Fregtman
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013 2:52 PM
To: XSI Mailing List
Subject: Re: IDs in Groups

Group indices AFAIK are in "creation order", so as long as you remove the exact 
same piece from both in the same order, indices should stay OK.

That is to say, if you go piece by piece. Removing X from group A and then X 
from B, it should be ok.

If you remove Y & X from A and X & Y from B in that order, you'll most likely 
get messed up indices.

On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 2:40 PM, olivier jeannel 
<<>> wrote:
Hello there,

I'm working on a Meccano project (Lego like construction kit).
In short : 320 Pieces of Meccano are lying on the ground, they fly together and 
form the final object (a truck).

I shall use particle instances and use velocities to drive them to their final 

Instances are in  group.

I have 2 models :
Model one is Starting position (Start Group),
Model 2 is End (goal) Positions (End Group).

Everything works relying on Objects IDs within groups.

What will happen if I delete and/or add objects to both groups ? How can I 
force Ice to keep track of IDs ?
Is alphabetical naming enough ?
removing from group object "Bolt_030" from both groups and then adding to group another 
new "Bolt_030" object, will this work ?

That's something I should test soon, but having some inputs on this would be 

Thank you !

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