SI is way more artist friendly than Maya, but that doesn't make a company
choose it, specially when the big ones have their propietary tools that can
make Maya almost as good as Softimage. (I haven't worked for a big company
so I can only imagine how good Maya with steroids can be)

Maya out of the box, without your own R&D staff creating tools for you, can
be really clumsy and slow to work with. Simple things in SI can be easily,
x10 more clicks in Maya.

To be fair, it is much better than 8 years ago, when Softimage workflow was
already awesome, it just hasn't evolved too much after that. Softimage
feels obsolete, but Maya workflow feels prehistoric (with a gorgeous
viewport and some fancy tools).

On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 6:21 PM, Stefan Kubicek <> wrote:

> Ultimately, there are only two types of 3D artists: those who use
> Softimage, and those who have never tried. -> Get more prople to seriously
> try it.

True. 90% of the guys I convinced to give SI a try had stayed with SI. The
rest just dropped it before getting too involved with it because they
couldn't stand the viewport limitations and I can't blame them.


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