For a current list of features available as well as a roadmap,
I would like to suggest to just go and give it a free try:

Yes, actually you don´t even have to commit to spending $100 directly,
the Free Beta Trial gives you 30 days of full access to Redshift.

A special benefit of this free trial option is that you could actually
try out how a bunch of machines would run using redshift in a farm or knot.

Reading the docs doesn´t require a login:

Redshift is a really well balanced renderer and I wholehartedly trust in it´s 

With the above opportunity available it is a good time to test it in your 
production scenario
and wheight it against VRay and Arnold, which are also both very nice 
plattforms with
enough momentum to also be around for quite a while.

I am sure Redshift is a valuable addition to that arsenal.



On 08.01.2014 22:44, Emilio Hernandez wrote:
Backing up Tim, in the forums there is actually a hair test in Softimage with a 
simple phong shader.  And IMHO it looks nice.

2014/1/8 Tim Crowson < 

    They've stated pretty clearly that Hair and Strand support is the next big 
thing to come... shouldn't be too long now...


    On 1/8/2014 3:36 PM, Daniel Kim wrote:
    I found some weird result of displacement map with Redshift. Elevation is 
okay, but sometimes I could see weird connection of UVM. All UVM boders wasn't 
smooth and I had no
    idea how to fix it. Arnold has that option though : / But more option I 
need is... hair @__@ and ICE strand

    Daniel Kim
    Animation Director & Professional 3D Generalist

    On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 10:31 AM, Emilio Hernandez < 
<>> wrote:

        Displacement and bump map are there and they work beautiful.  They 
event implement a scalar change range into the displacement node.

        2014/1/8 Tim Crowson < 

            I'll repost what I said in the other thread....

            We started using Redshift back in March and pretty much use it 
exclusively now. Of course it all depends on the needs of the project (and 
there are still some real
            limitations).  The RS dev team is top notch though. I'm really 
excited to see how things will be at the end of this calendar year.  Redshift 
development is
            progressing at a fantastic rate, and the pricing is very 
competitive. For facilities, even small ones, it does require that you spend 
some time considering your
            hardware and infrastructure, especially if you want to start 
converting CPU farms for GPU rendering, or augmenting them. Fortunately, 
Redshift isn't licensed per GPU,
            but per machine, and that should provide some breathing room.

            To be honest (and I realize we have many Arnold folks here), here 
at Magnetic we evaluated our rendering options (MR, vRay, 3Delight, Arnold). I 
even started working
            on a Soft-to-Modo pipeline. Among these Arnold was the clear 
winner. That said, we felt that to be useful for us in production, Arnold was 
too costly a solution for
            us, both financially and in render time, /considering the kinds of 
projects we do/ . Then Redshift came along and despite its infancy, really 
turned our heads. We
            cautiously began using it on productions, and it has since proven 
itself for us.

            Again, it all depends on what kind of project you're working on! 
You need to evaluate it for yourself of course, but for smaller houses like us, 
it allows us to
            produce better looking content faster, while staying in Softimage. 
And in this economy, we can't argue with that.


            On 1/8/2014 2:53 PM, Paul Griswold wrote:
            I've been using it along side Arnold for quite a while now.  I just 
finished a project for CES entirely in Redshift.

            I think Redshift falls more into the category of a VRay competitor 
rather than Arnold.  Redshift isn't open the way Arnold is & I don't think they 
intend it to be.

            I've found it to be extremely fast and stable in most cases, but 
being just out of alpha there are times when it's warts show.

            For $100, it's certainly worth a test drive.



            On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 3:46 PM, Stephen Davidson < 
<>> wrote:

                I just wanted to start this thread so we can kill the Sofimage 
is dead thread. :)

                So..Redshift3D here.

                I think we will benefit the group, as a whole, if we spread the 
word on this
                amazing GPU rendering company. They have made my workflow SO 
much faster.


                Best Regards,
                *  Stephen P. Davidson**
                **(954) 552-7956 <tel:%28954%29%20552-7956>

                /Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from 

                               - Arthur C. Clarke



            *Tim Crowson
            */Lead CG Artist/

            *Magnetic Dreams, Inc.
            *2525 Lebanon Pike, Bldg C, Suite 101, Nashville, TN 37214
            *Ph* 615.885.6801 <tel:615.885.6801> | *Fax* 615.889.4768 
<tel:615.889.4768> | <>

            /Confidentiality Notice: This email, including attachments, is 
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recipient(s). If you
            have received this e-mail in error please inform the sender and 
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