How does the linux version get around all of the MFC / Com+ dependencies ? 
Would be great if we could get the  linux version to be used as the compile 
base. In theory then a more open windows version and even a mac version would 
be possible ;) 

On the plus side at least you have moved to a decent laptop now ;)

My only experience in this was from a long time back. FBX , was buggy and 
Alembic wasnt yet an option. We came up with an exporter that allowed a decent 
to and fro between 3D app and Games engine.

Similar to how the obj exporter worked it was text based and had a separate 
include file for geometry, materials,bones animation etc. This allowed it to be 
be easy to use for version control , and also allowed us to reuse animations 
etc  across more then one model. Admittedly things were a lot simpler then .

Havent looked at Modo for creating the asteroid belt.  will try have a look 
this weekend.

From: Luc-Eric Rousseau []
Sent: 14 February 2014 04:26 AM
Subject: Re: Survey - how would you do this?

imagine if we made such jokes every time the Fabric came to pimp their
stuff here. ;)

If there is going to be a discussion about creating custom tools for
artists, sweeping statements about DCCs, and name dropping like Pixar,
it's in everyone's interest to be informed about the maya side of the
story.  On my side, as Maya UI team lead, pyside (python+qt) is part
of the day-to-day.  Something I could have never imagine on Softimage.
I'd always have to write everything in C++/MFC to do anything.  I've
also dumped my PC for a Macbook Pro.

On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 8:56 PM, Guillaume Laforge
<> wrote:
> Don't forget to print the threads/coupons Steven !
> On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 8:37 PM, Steven Caron <> wrote:
>> ya, i get that feeling too ;)
>> its magical
>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 5:32 PM, Guillaume Laforge
>> <> wrote:
>>> I've got the feeling that someone is trying to sell us some Autodesk
>>> products here.
>>> Can I have a special discount if I print this thread and bring it to my
>>> reseller ?
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