Hey Siew, thanks for tip.  Transfer attributes didn't worked.  I took the
mesh UV it in Softimage and back to Maya due to Maya's crappy UV tools.

I took a look at the Diamond Tools.  Nice add on for Maya just to get
modeling, and UV unfolding kind of Softimage "old technology" out of the
box behavior.... for an additional $200 bucks...

And Mirko just touch the main point here.

Luc-Eric what happened in that transition when you guys were ripped off
from Softimage?  Seems like you suffered a brain wash.  I don't care about
the name of the software.  But at this point I would expect a 3d software
from Autodesk with the beauty of Softimage and the developer, progamming
capability of Maya.  But sadly that is not the case.

Instead we have from Autodesk a Frankenstein and a dying king locked in a

2014-02-14 11:25 GMT-06:00 Mirko Jankovic <mirkoj.anima...@gmail.com>:

> well from what I can see and also understand from Luc-Eric Maya is
> great... for developers and programmers but crap for artist.
> SI on the other hand is love at first sight for Artist but not so for
> developers.
> Soooo... should 3d art application be for programmers and developers or to
> make life easy for artist?
> On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 6:16 PM, Emilio Hernandez <emi...@e-roja.com>wrote:
>> It is really a shame that Autodesk when bought Softimage, instead of
>> starting the migration from the COM/OLE platform, just took the guts outs
>> of Softimage.  The Dev team. To insert it in Maya, which, IMHO is sitll
>> basically the same from those days.  I have not seen any "super
>> development" of Maya as it would be expected by such corporate strategy...
>> If by now, Maya had the functionality, beauty, elegance, design, and
>> workflow of Softimage,  the story would be different.
>> I am married to Softimage until "death tear us appart".
>> Maybe it is not Softimage's days the only ones that are counted...
>> Autodesk has been loosing market lately, and has been unsuccesful of
>> driving the "small" but solid Softimage user base to Maya.  And when the
>> time comes, my perception is that the mayority of us, at least in the
>> film/vfx industry is looking to other platforms rather than Maya.  They
>> betted to the wrong horse, again imho.  Maybe I am wrong.  But only time
>> will tell.
>> 2014-02-14 10:15 GMT-06:00 Angus Davidson <angus.david...@wits.ac.za>:
>>> For historical perspective, you need to know that we were owned by
>>> Microsoft in 1998, and there was no indication that SGI or the Mac
>>> would come back from the dead.  The company began to consider the Film
>>> industry as "legacy" and that games would be the future.  The product
>>> was named after the name of the game exchange format to subtly suggest
>>> that.  Max also had taken the Windows NT jump, with huge success.
>>> Well Microsoft hasnt gotten any better at predicting tech since.  Smart
>>> phones, tablets, pretty much anything internet based ;)=
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