Mostly a lack of respect.

From: Ben Rogall []
Sent: 04 March 2014 07:42 PM
Subject: Re: Softimage transition audience poll

Yep. Or $4495 for a workstation license and then $2495 per year. For a minute 
there it looked like Autodesk was doing something half reasonable with the free 
transition offer to Softimage + Maya. But then I saw that accepting that means 
that I would not be allowed to use Softimage at all after February 2016. I'm 
not even sure what Autodesk gains from that.


On 3/4/2014 11:00 AM, Francois Lord wrote:
What I find interesting in the fact that people want to jump the Autodesk boat 
is that they seem to forget they have to buy a new software.
For a company that relies entirely on Softimage, that decision is not a cheap 
one. Houdini is 7000$ for a floating license plus 4000$ per year!

In two years when Bifrost will be nearing maturity, Maya will become a lot more 
appealing if you stay on subscription. Be kind with your bean counter.

just sayin.

On 04-Mar-14 11:37, Alan Fregtman wrote:
I've set up a poll out of curiosity...

Where will you transition to when Softimage falls? Vote!

(Multiple-choice allowed btw.)

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