Count on me.

Christian Lattuada

On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 7:58 PM, Emilio Hernandez <> wrote:

> Hey fellows I will take Tim's letter as a template for the freelancers and
> small studios 2-5 people.  Sounds reasonable?
> Of course if Tim agrees.
> Cheers!
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Emilio Hernández   VFX & 3D animation.
> 2014-03-11 12:03 GMT-06:00 Rares Halmagean <>:
>  So true, so true. I'd like to eco how amazing softimage is for individual
>> freelancers and small shops, especially since it's been backed by the
>> talented td and programmers here and online.
>> I'll add that softimage will continue to be my tool of choice for years
>> to come. This makes it easier for me at least as I'm often creating assets
>> that can be ported to maya or elsewhere or contracted on a start to render
>> job.
>> On 3/11/2014 11:21 AM, Tim Borgmann wrote:
>> Hi,
>> unfortunately my english is not good enough to express my feelings and
>> thoughts about all this in a good and polite way and I think some mails
>> like the open letter from Alastair or the mails from Greg, Peter, Jean,
>> Sly, Daniel and so on express them much better than I could do.
>> I'm just an artist, a simple freelancer, so my opinion will not be from
>> interest for AD I'm sure. But nonetheless here are just some additional
>> thoughts from my side:
>> The main thing that surprises me about the decision from AD right now is
>> that they make this step (stopping SI) even before they can offer any kind
>> of alternative.
>> A personal view from the artist point of view:
>> A lot of my work is based on ICE and at the moment I'm simply not able to
>> see a real alternative. Will I take a look at Houdini? Sure. Will I take a
>> look at Modo? Sure. Blender? Sure. ...  I will take a look at a lot of
>> software within the next months, maybe years, to hopefully find something
>> that will fit again like SI did until now. ICE gives me the ability to
>> create things I would not be able to do before. I'm not a TD, I'm not able
>> to write my own tools, I'm just a plain artist and so what ICE was a pure
>> revolution for me and still is a joy to work with. As some of you maybe
>> know I did some advertising material for the launch of XSI 7. Although I
>> didn't use ICE for these images because of the fact that I didn't know ICE
>> at all at this time I very quickly realised the enormous power of it. Today
>> I would do it with ICE for sure and it would be much faster and more
>> flexible and so I would have much more time to work on the design and
>> content and would also get more sleep during production.
>> As an artist you spend a lot of time in finding and learning the tools
>> which maybe fit best to you or better said to your work. At a certain point
>> you than hopefully reach a level with the tools where you can care more
>> about design or creativity than about technical issues.  But it's maybe a
>> very long and hard way to get there and if you are there, if you can work
>> with a tool without too much thinking about technical issues (some will be
>> there always and you never stop learning for sure) you are very happy about
>> this (at least I am). You are happy that you can focus on the creative side
>> of the work and not only on solving technical problems.
>> For sure you can learn a lot of things in another software rather fast
>> since the concepts are similar, but to get at a point where you are really
>> familar with a tool, where you really have a good feeling about what you
>> can do and what you better avoid is a long way. Moving a spotlight around
>> is one thing but finding the reason why your are getting unexpected results
>> for example is often a complete different story.
>> Who knows, maybe I will find a new tool which even fits better, maybe
>> not, but just at the moment I feel like downgraded from a senior to a
>> junior artist within some days. And what's even more important I'm afraid
>> that I have to spend my time again on just solving technical issues instead
>> on creating images.
>> I simply feel like an artist who get told that there will be no canvas,
>> brushes, oil colours any more soon and that I have to take a ball pen and
>> some finger colours instead to do the work I did before. But that's just my
>> personal point of view and it's for sure not from interest for AD.
>> A more profesional view from the freelancer point of view and maybe a
>> thought worth for AD:
>> In my opinion the reason why SI does so well in particular in the
>> advertising area is simply because it provides a solid toolset out of the
>> box but even more important: it's flexible and fast. And that is was
>> working in the advertising area is about. Flexibility and speed. You have a
>> lot of different tasks, changes, corrections whatever to solve in sometimes
>> extremly short timeframes. Often there is simply no time and also no budget
>> for a big TD team which provides you the basic tools you need to do the
>> work. It has to be right out of the box. And this is what AD does not offer
>> with maya right at the moment. It's maybe a good tool for big
>> pipelines/movie productions or whatever, it's maybe a good framework for
>> custom tools, I don't know, but I doubt it is a good solution for doing
>> quick and creative productions where you maybe have to rethink or rebuild a
>> concept within an evening. Correct me if I'm wrong.
>> Alone the passes and partions system from SI is pure gold in these kind
>> of advertising productions. ICE is an option to create stuff where you
>> normally would need a bigger TD team and the accordingly time for
>> development. Or you can just use it to fix some smaller issues in the last
>> moment on top of your operator stack. The overall workflow of SI simply
>> fits in many areas of these kind of productions. So I'm really afraid for
>> all these innovative and great shops which deliver outstanding work in
>> short turnarounds and within a heavy competetion situation. During the last
>> years and due to for example additional tools like Arnold or the ones from
>> Eric, Helge and so on the quality of advertising productions done with SI
>> reaches a very high level in my opinion. Small shops or small teams are
>> able to create really outstanding work.
>> As Daniel from Sehsucht stated out: "How can Autodesk get the timing so
>> wrong?"
>> You simply leave them with a big gap and no solution to fill it at the
>> moment.
>> So in the end, I will use SI for as long as possible (at least as an
>> artist) and hope others will do so also. It's one of the best and most
>> productive tools I've ever used for my work and maybe will still be within
>> the next years.
>> Best regards
>> Tim Borgmann
>> --
>> *Rares Halmagean ___________________________________ *visual development
>> and 3d character & content creation.
>> ** <>

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