Unfortunately it doesn't seem like Autodesk had any idea who Softimage
users even are before making the decision to take away our main tool.
It's been said over and over again.  If we felt Maya or Max were the best
tool for the job, we'd buy it.  But there are dozens and dozens of reasons
why Maya or Max do not fit for many of us, and they never will.

Since the day Autodesk bought Softimage, it's been one cruel joke.  There
has literally never been a single "champion" of Softimage at a
decision-making level, right?  It's been the red-headed step-child since
the moment of the acquisition.

Autodesk's marketing didn't help either.  What sane marketing department
thinks it's a great idea to only market the products that get the most
sales?  How does that make any sense at all?  It creates a self-fulfilling
prophecy.  Softimage doesn't sell well, so we reduce it's marketing budget,
reduce it's visibility, and make no effort to increase sales.  Therefore
sales do not increase and marketing is again reduced, and sales go down.
 Can anyone look at this process and say they think that's a recipe for

Now an entire community is looking at Maya and Max and confirming what we
all knew before - they can't replace Softimage and nothing on the horizon
from Autodesk looks like it will come close for years.


On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 8:43 AM, Eugen Sares <sof...@mail.sprit.org> wrote:

> ------ Originalnachricht ------
> Von: "Maurice Patel" <maurice.pa...@autodesk.com>
> An: "softimage@listproc.autodesk.com" <softimage@listproc.autodesk.com>
> Gesendet: 13.03.2014 09:34:16
> Betreff: RE: A more graceful retirement - my counter offer
>  Hi Tim,
>> I don't think anyone here at Autodesk would disagree with you there.
>> Softimage and 3ds Max were designed very much to be out of the box. Maya
>> was designed differently. But Maya users have been asking for more artist
>> friendly workflows and tools out of the box and we believe we can do this
>> and do this really well. We are looking for input from Softimage users too.
>> maurice
>> Maurice Patel
>> Autodesk : Tél:  514 954-7134
>>  Maurice,
> I frown a bit over this wording... shouldn't you say you are already
> looking into the input from Softimage users you already got?
> There's plenty of information and suggestions already, and after all, you
> have Luc-Eric Rousseau as Maya UI teamlead now.
> What else do you need to hear from us to allow for more educated guesses
> of what Maya needs, to make it "artist-friendly" (please get me right),
> that hasn't been discussed so many times of the last days, months, years?
> Let me picture this in a comic way: there's this king AD, lazily sitting
> in the throne room with his flock of minions around him, used to decide
> fates with the wink of a finger, and now just after there's riots and
> turmoil and burning villages outside the palace walls, he stirs a bit and
> with acted astonishment starts asking what is the matter with all the
> people, who's emissarys he brusquely sent away so often before...
> Respectfully,
> Eugen
> ---
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