I suppose I should have phrased that "There has literally never been a
single public "champion" of Softimage at a decision-making level."

Was there ever a SIGGRAPH, usergroup meeting, or anything of the sort where
anyone with any sort of authority at Autodesk called for more exposure,
more marketing, more anything for Softimage?

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 1:21 PM, Bradley Gabe <witha...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> Since the day Autodesk bought Softimage, it's been one cruel joke.  There
>> has literally never been a single "champion" of Softimage at a
>> decision-making level, right?  It's been the red-headed step-child since
>> the moment of the acquisition.
> I'm not sure this statement is entirely true. The senior VP of M&E at the
> time of the purchase was Marc Petite, originally from Softimage and one of
> the driving forces behind the early development of XSI. When he stepped
> down not long ago, I believe he was replaced by Marc Stevens, the former
> president of Softimage at the time of the acquisition.

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