This is the Maya experience at its fullest, "Oh you can't do it like that,
here's a script that solves the problem".

On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 2:59 PM, Siew Yi Liang <> wrote:

>  Hello:
> Just wanted to offer, since the attribute speadsheet doesn't cover all
> parameters, only ones that are actually available via the channel box,
> knowing some quick maya commands (setAtttr) will help massively here:
> import pymel.core as pm
> attr = raw_input('Enter attribute you want to set!')
> val = raw_input('Enter value it needs to be set at!')
> for i in
>     pm.setAttr(i+'.'+attr, float(val) )
>  I have this saved out on my shelf, really handy for working with
> lights/bones especially since they have so many parameters that can't be
> seen via the channel box without exposing them manually.
> HTH in some small way! :D
>  Yours sincerely,
> Siew Yi Liang
> On 3/13/2014 6:44 PM, Raffaele Fragapane wrote:
> "So far, there are stuffs we swear at alot.... (like the unability to
> change attributes on multi selected objects at the same time)  What you
> take as normal day to day operations in Softimage then fall into Maya, you
> really understand you will miss something everyday. haha  And the list goes
> up.  But there are also nice stuffs we find out. Every packages got it's
> good and bad things."
>  Just for the record, since it's not too far off topic, that to me is
> symptomatic of another issue I see with people migrating.
> The assumption that things can't be done when they are just done
> differently (better or worse can be argued depending on case), and a
> resulting reduced productivity coming from fighting a new platform instead
> of embracing it.
>  While I will be the first to tell you that "embracing" Maya will
> frequently feel like hugging a giant llama turd, you won't get very far if
> you try and steer it like you did Soft.
> Where Soft has a greatly streamlined user experience relying on very few
> contextual editors and many half-arsed ones that have been rotting on the
> vines, Maya has a pleotra of dedicated workflows.
>  E.G.: If you want multi-edit you use the attribute spreadsheet. The
> attribute editor and its constant autoswitching culling the channel box
> coupled with its inability to contextualize is horrible, but on the other
> hand where Soft's spreadsheet is barely a remnant of the SOFTIMAGE|3D days
> the AttrSS is functional.
>  The notion that migrating from one software to another is just a matter
> of finding the same levers that have been given different names is a
> horrible, HORRIBLE populist notion in defense of the even more horrible
> argument of old that Software doesn't matter.
> Software does matter, and design philosophies differ massively. Don't try
> to remap every little step of how you operate, it might be the path of
> least resistance to learn a new software, but it will leave you crippled
> and slow. Learn how the things differ fundamentally and use each one at
> their best.

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