Hi Jason,

Right now, many people need to make measured decisions on how to conduct
their business effectively in the short term, with plans to transition in
the long term.  I'm extremely upset that the weapon of choice that my
friends used to make 98% Human is going to go away.  And I know people have
carved out whole careers using Softimage.  If I had to solo a job with a
quick turnaround like many freelancers, I would run with Softimage knowing
the preproduction work could eventually be converted to final renders.
 Undoubtedly, it's a harsh blow to hear it's EOL.

But you still have access to it now and it's still an amazing piece of kit.
 So that's not going anywhere.  So take this as a little prod to go
exploring other offerings and expanding your capabilities.  If visual
programming is your thing, take a look a Houdini.  I think it's second to
none regarding a visual programming environment.  Plus, SideFX is a
completely different experience than Autodesk and would love to hear your
feedback.  We went from an all-Maya studio here in LA to Maya/Houdini.  And
truth be told, it was the Houdini work that helped spurred on our growth
here in LA.  Had we adamantly stuck with Maya for everything, I'm not sure
where we'd be today.

We have to stop placing these mental blocks that prevents us from learning
new things and enabling us to take on new challenges.  What we quickly
forget is what did you guys do prior to ICE?  And what happened when it
showed up in 2008?  Everyone took a bit of time and learned it and some got
very good at it.  Why is looking at other offers any different?  I'm not
saying "Oh well, might as well make the best of it."  What I am saying is
stay active in seeking out new solutions.  And we need to take this a step
further.  What does the DCC of the future look like?  Beautifully fast
real-time viewports where I can hit play and frames get saved to disk?
 Real-time smoke and fluid sims where I don't have to guess and hope my
values are good enough?  Animation tools that are intuitive and don't
require an army of TDs to wrangle?  The CG community could really use the
experience from Softimage and lead the way towards a better DCC.

Just have to find a platform that won't get yanked out from under people
this time.


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