It's also a task that can be shunted off onto lesser mortals and the
great unwashed :)


Paul pretty much nailed it

  Jon Swindells

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014, at 01:23 PM, wrote:
> Hi David,
> Although you might see it as modelling twice, Whats really happening is
> that 
> you are splitting up the artistic from the technical decision making.
> Firstly you can just concentrate on what looks good without having to
> worry 
> about the topology. This makes this stage a lot more fun.
> The second stage is made a lot easier, as you have the form already
> there; 
> So it is much clearer where the topology loops need to go to describe
> that 
> form.
> Overall, doing these 2 procedures is still faster in my experience, and
> far 
> less tedious more satisfying than doing it the 'traditional' way.
> Paul

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