dudes calm down. like a kids in a park :)
creating all those theories is really only AD fault due to poor PR
communication with small size customer base
and at the end they can only feel lied to, betrayed and start figuring what
has happens, why things being done...
giving some info now after 5 years of what most of people see like a lying
doesn't help as everything AD say now is immediately classified as a lie.
Simple as that.  is it that hard to accept the fact that people are being
screwed, whole working life turned up side down and just couple months ago
they've bin lied to that everything is ok.
I see image of chicken in the hands calming before snapping out it's

in any case it will take a lot of time, maybe even never before AD get not
only trust but any respect at all from Softimage users.
Another thing is that AD evil shadow image is stretched and label put over
AD voices here on forum as well. People need someone to shout at so you
guys really have to understand that you put your hand
in the front to be thrown eggs and tomato at til storm is passed :) Grats
for coruage and ened to do that, part of the job we know, but also you have
to be aware taht after all Softimage people has bin through it is not
possible to clearly and
without emotional veil look and see things. And it won;t be for another
5-10-20... years...
I know for sure that as ooold grayed out man will remember two horror days
in my life, 1st when AD bought Softimage, and then when Softimage died...
Feeling of sickness in stomach is pretty much still alive so understand us,
throwing name and calling people crazy isn't helping.. yes we are crazy
about Softimage

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