There are only a handful of specific nodes that are unique to Redshift3D.
Everything else is exactly like you are used to in the Materials (nodes) in
They did a great job making it almost seamless....

a unique example... if you want to bumpmap some object, you would select
the Redshift bumpmap node,
instead of the regular mentalray bumpmap node. That is one of the nodes
that is specific to Redshift.
And you would plug the outpuit directly into the Material input, not the

On the pass, or scene, you specify the Redshift render instead of Mentalray
and you also need to adjust the
render settings.

The default gamma is set to 2.2, and in most cases you should change that
to 1.0.
Other than that, the options are very similar to what you are used to with

Sorry for the rambling description instead of a decent tutorial, but they
are working on a set of tutorials
right now, and should be available soon.

You will not take long to adapt to this, I found it extremely easy to use.
The docs <> are very complete.

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 9:15 PM, David Rivera <
> wrote:

> Hello everyone. I´ve been recommended -not enough through :) - that I
> switch to Redshift render.
> So finally I upgraded my Quadro card to K4000. Up until now, I´m very very
> very much impressed
> with MODO 3D (my 3d package of transition) and results are astonishing. I
> can almost feel the
> Realtime engines like Crytek or UDK for PS4.
> So being our software of preference, I´m trying to pick up a GPU renderer
> (Redshift) in softimage.
> One thing I´m trying to wrap my head around it´s the entire rebuild
> connectivity of materials
> for redshift.
> So if anyone, please, has a blog or an article to share to strat up my
> baby steps on using Redshift I´d appreciate it
> deeply thankful to help me out with that.
> Cheers.
> *David Rivera*
> *3D Compositor/Animator*
> LinkedIN <>
> Behance <>
> VFX Reel <>


Best Regards,
*  Stephen P. Davidson*

*(954) 552-7956*

*Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic*

 - Arthur C. Clarke


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