I don't know if it's related , but there is a plugin specifically addressing various interop issues & stability of MR in Maya
< One of the key reasons that the developers at Core-CG believe that Maya users have been having a less than placid experience with Mental Ray is due to the poor communication between Maya and the renderer.

Certain areas of translation between the two programs are either faulty or just getting plain lost,
the consequences being that shaders breaking, and longer than necessary rendering
are a natural occurrence that leave artists frustrated and having to find work-arounds that are not primarily apparent to the beginner.

MentalCore is built to stabilize and enhance the bridge between these two popular software packages that has been so desperately missed. >


On 04/22/14 12:45, John Richard Sanchez wrote:
Just installed 2015 ultimate after upgrading from the Maya /XSI Suite. Doing some work in maya and I cant load mental ray in the plug in manager. I get an error. The Specified procedure could not be found. (mayatomr) I do see that MentalrayforMaya2015/plugins/mayatomr.mll is in the right location. I also cant load in 2014 and  2 weeks ago finished a job rendering in Mental Ray . ???

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