That's been my experience too. I tend to do everything I can with nodes. 

Sergio M. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 20, 2014, at 8:43 PM, Eric Turman <> wrote:
> Just as a rule of thumb, I avoid expressions in Maya when I can for similar 
> reasons why I avoid scripted operators when I can in Softimage. They both 
> *seem* fast enough in a one-off situation, but when you use a bunch of them 
> on a rig, then the slowdown becomes apparent. Even if it costs me more work 
> initially, I strive for as high a frame-rate for the animator as I can in any 
> 3DCC package. 
> -=Eric
>> On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 6:57 PM, Siew Yi Liang <> wrote:
>> Hi Eric:
>> What kind of expressions are you dealing with that's causing slowdown in the 
>> scene? I've found that they actually evaluate pretty fast short of making a 
>> C++ plugin. If you're writing them as Python, it might be a bit of a 
>> bottleneck I've found.
>> @ Sebastien: There's not really a list per se...but most of the useful ones 
>> related to rigging will be in the hypershade > Maya > utilities. There's 
>> some simple tricks here and there (such as using condition nodes to clamp 
>> values instead of the actual clamp node for certain inputs) that you should 
>> be aware of, but unfortunately the reality is that you'll have to get used 
>> to either making your own nodes or living with the smaller variety of 
>> utility nodes OOTB.
>>  Yours sincerely,
>> Siew Yi Liang
>>> On 4/20/2014 2:46 PM, Sebastien Sterling wrote:
>>> Is there actually a comprehensive list of all the editable nodes ? the ones 
>>> you might use for rigging ?
>>>> On 20 April 2014 19:25, Ben Barker <> wrote:
>>>> I remember chaining up multDoubleLinears once, so maybe it wasn't always 
>>>> in there. 
>>>> Searching for maya help is like searching for ringtones or song lyrics. 
>>>> The signal:noise ratio of google results is pretty bad. You usually end up 
>>>> in the tall grass of CGtalk threads from 2007.
>>>>> On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 1:53 PM, Eric Turman <> wrote:
>>>>> Brilliant! Thank you very much, I would not have thought of looking 
>>>>> there. Now I can stop pouring over the internet looking for a solution 
>>>>> and get back to work ;)
>>>>> It is odd that this didn't come up in any Google searches. 
>>>>> Thanks again Ben :)
>>>>> I'm so glad that this list is still alive.
>>>>>> On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 12:44 PM, Ben Barker <> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> multiplyDivide node can do power.
>>>>>>> On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 1:13 PM, Eric Turman <> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I'm porting over some of my core rig components. when I hit a brick 
>>>>>>> wall...
>>>>>>> Maya having no exponent or power nodes?!?! 
>>>>>>> Sure I could roll my own in C++ if my C++ code-fu was strong enough or 
>>>>>>> use one of the plugins that have already been compiled.
>>>>>>> The problems are: 
>>>>>>> 1) I can not require a client to figure out how to install a plugin in 
>>>>>>> order for a rig to work 
>>>>>>> 2) None of these plugins that I can find have been compiled for Maya 
>>>>>>> 2015
>>>>>>> Maya's expressions are too slow to evaluate. Does anyone have any 
>>>>>>> suggestions of how I can get around this in the node editor without 
>>>>>>> resorting to a plugin?
>>>>>>> I swear, the "brilliant" mastermind behind EOLing Softimage deserves 
>>>>>>> several sharp kicks in the yarbles >.<
>>>>>>> -=Eric
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> -=T=-
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> -=T=-
> -- 
> -=T=-

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