Hi Hirazi:

It doesn't talk about PyMEL, and yes it's super-old, and it's written in a very non-pythonic manner, but it's still a good resouce imho.

Still, for what it is (and its price) it's about the most comprehensive beginner's intro guide to working with Maya (and some API stuff as well!) that I know of for now. :D

If you prefer video tutorials, Chad Vernon's stuff on CGCircuit is pretty nice, and he has some basic stuff on his site, too:


Yours sincerely,
Siew Yi Liang

On 5/5/2014 8:47 AM, Leendert A. Hartog wrote:
Thanks for the kind offer, I'm afraid I'm going to have to take you up on that... ;)

On the CGTalk the book you mention was said to be somewhat outdated,
which I cannot really judge for myself, lacking the necessary Maya experience, they advised me to wait for "Practical Maya Programming with Python" by Robert Galanakis but looking at the website of the publisher it is somewhat of a mystery when it will actually be released.
And I am terrible at waiting... :D


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