Actually, it seems that it doesn't work

Based on this..

However, Autodesk has an article about how the configuration of this stuff

Stephen Blair

Most likely all you will do is enable the menu command, and it still won't work.
I've messed around with that stuff before.

AFAIK, you need to have the same versions of each product eg 2013 sends to 2013

Unless it that link (now pointing to a general page) wasn't the same as what you suggested,
so maybe it could still work.

And if it does work, it could almost be a 'secret'! Cause even after saerching around, everyone seemed to be saying nope! need same ver.)

+ also this from Mudbox Support
You must have an equivalent version of the other Autodesk product for the Send to options to be available in the File menu (for example Maya 2012 with Mudbox 2012.)

But thanks for that great secret! :)

On 10/23/14 4:44, Hsiao Ming Chia wrote:
It is possible to use Send-To between different versions.
The link below is for Mudbox though it applies for other products as well.
Just look for the appropriate syncfg file inside the Synergy directory.

Hope this helps.

Hsiao Ming

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