Not sure if I can agree here..

 I add tools to my collection only when they save me time or give me an
advantage. And I only replace "old" tools when they either don't run
anymore or the competition is _much_ better..(think _at least_ 50-80%
faster to goal).

I bought a Modo seat solely because of MeshFusion. That tool is a
killer-app in itself. Same thing with Redshift for Softimage...

And when it comes to Maya: I welcome their recent changes, but, still -
I don't see a reason at this point in time to shift over to Maya (which
I already own but rarely make use of) simply because there is no benefit
over Softimage. Everything I would want to do in Maya I can do better
and easier in Soft... I'm waiting for that to change.. Maybe in a couple
of years?


On 04/14/2015 05:08 PM, Eric Thivierge wrote:
> I agree Ed,
> I'm not going to hold on to Softimage for the next 2-3+ years just
> because I want to make a statement. As a 3D artist, it's my opinion that
> you need to move with the times whether you like it or not. If you stick
> with Softimage, you're delaying the transition that will eventually
> happen. If you wait until the last possible moment, say if a new
> technology is introduced, and there is no way to shoe-horn it into
> Softimage, you'll be left with very little time to get up to speed with
> a product that will be evolving and staying up with the times.
> Whether it's a transition to Max, Maya, Houdini, or whatever, life goes
> on. If you want to stay in the industry and stay relevant you have to
> evolve.
> Eric T.
> On 4/14/2015 10:36 AM, Ed Manning wrote:
>> Y'know...
>> I get the impression that some people would be, maybe not happier, but
>> more satisfied, if Maya *didn't* get any of the workflow enhancements
>> or other changes many of us have been asking for.  I miss Softimage
>> more every day I have to use Maya (but fortunately, I can still use
>> Softimage when it's up to me), but the negative attitude of some
>> people, while understandable, is totally counterproductive.
>> I have to make a living using the tools that are available. Autodesk
>> killed my tool of choice in favor of a less-usable one, which
>> frustrates and angers me, as well as cutting my productivity (and
>> value to my clients). But for anybody to look at long-asked-for
>> changes to the tool AD have chosen to develop, and run them down on
>> the basis of, well, not much other than preconceived opinion, does.
>> not. help.
>> Maya is becoming more like Softimage? About time! Move more in that
>> direction! Autodesk -- you still have a lot to answer for, but you
>> actually seem to be trying to deliver on some of the things you've
>> said.  I'm not going to say "great job!" because we don't praise
>> people for simply doing what they're supposed to do (see Chris Rock on
>> this topic).

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