I have a mesh that has received some fixes and new uv's and I need to take
geo/uvs/hardedges and copy that to an existing object replacing it's
existing geometry/uvs/etc. allowing me to keep the object level stuff
untouched (partitions, animation expressions, etc.)

Using [apply delete i get rid fo the old geo first, letting it just be
replaced by clone] and then clone polygon mesh as well as copy edge data
from source. However the UV's transferred using "copy texture projection
from source" seem to not want to follow along properly. In the texture
editor every point is at 0,0

When showing values before the set data node in the top level of the copy
tx proj compound shows the data correctly, but it doesn't seem to get

Another curious thing is that after copying the EdgeIsHard property all
edges act as hard when subdividing.


demo file showing what I'd like to accomplish.

if there is an easier way/script/plugin to do this I'm all ears.

Thank you,

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