> Studios mostly just absorb the difference (while I'm sure their not
> exactly happy to pay quite a bit more for nothing),
> and most people using it (in studios) don't have licences themselves,
> which could explain the relative lack of backlash,
> but it's freelancers and small shops that this arguably warrentless and
> camouflaged 1.5x - 2x increase (while ending up with nothing) will hit the
> hardest.
pretty sure we are reaching the point where the freelancer is expected to
bring his own license to the studio when working there. it is already
happening here with adobe stuff, since as an individual you can have a
monthly plan, while as a studio they only offer anual subscriptions
(somebody correct me if i am off on that) which often just isnt feasible
with the way project sometimes require way more or suddenly way less
manpower and seats.

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