Here is something I did a few years back to reveal a map.

It's a simulated weightmap. You take an irregular geo (polygon reduction
is perfect to create these) and apply a fractal weightmap to it. Then
you create a new weightmap and add a simulated ICE tree to it. For each
point, check the value of the simulated weightmap on the neighbors. If
it's 1, add the value of the first weightmap to yourself.

This way, each point gets contaminated by its neighbors at different

You only need to trigger the first point manually.


On 2016-04-01 06:27 AM, Thomas Volkmann wrote:
> Hi Morten,
> maybe you could tweak this a bit to your liking:
> cheers,
> Thomas
>> Morten Bartholdy <> hat am 1. April 2016 um 12:11
> geschrieben:
>> I am doing some RnD on creating a frosty growth effect in ICE. I have
> looked at
>> Andy Moorers DLA which looks promising and tinkered with using
> animated mattes
>> for emitting particles with frostlike instances, but would like to
> perhaps use
>> fractal patterns og procedurals to control the growth, so I would like
> to ask
>> here if someone could point me to some useful tools or tutorials
> regarding this?
>> Thanks - Morten
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