No.  You're mixing two separate thoughts together.

The first few messages which started this thread mentioned a spherical 
projection doesn't work at the poles because of the usual distortion, and 
the sphere was modified.

My comment of the viewport issue was targeting the spherical projection at 
the poles being distorted.  I ran some experiments using spherical 
projection on various meshes and discovered that while the projection looks 
messed up in the viewports, it will render cleanly (without distortion) if 
you capture it using rendermap.  If you export that captured image to Unity, 
there shouldn't be any issue.  Therefore don't worry about spherical mapping 
distortion visible in the viewports because the issue is confined to 

Your plugin is a different issue.  As polygons are added/removed, as shown 
in your video, random parts of the texture space are assigned to the new 
polygons.  You answered the question by stating you're using a random seed, 
and therefore not attempting to put the correct UVs into that new polygon.


Date: Tue, 17 May 2016 15:36:21 +0100
From: pedro santos <>
Subject: Re: equirectangular uv
To: Softimage Mailing List <>

Matt at that particular point I'm using "Random Seed" input to randomize
the UV location, hence that happening. So what you're saying it's not
something that is wrongly set and what I show in there wouldn't help, since
it's a viewport problem?


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