On 03/22/17 10:07, Jordi Bares wrote:
> Below
>>> Putting aside the fact we have to move out of Softimage sooner or later 
>>> (hardware, OS, drivers, freelancers, support, etc… will eventually force us 
>>> out)
>> Indeed 'sooner or later'
>> ... 10+ years? when sampling the freshly released hypothetical 2070 Nvidias 
>> running on Win 12? when we could then fully switch with our feet already wet 
>> in a number of camps, also being at a point when favored alternatives would 
>> have *very progressively* matured in a number of areas, or not just in 1 
>> area such as modeling.
>> (I think our transition should be just as proportionately proportional to 
>> that inevitably *very gradual* progression)
> It is really up to you, specially if you are a one man band or a tiny 
> creative studio with no intention of growing of course…
Or rather large shops making the most recent lego (batman), or 
terminator flix ;)
(with probably still a fraction of (specialized dev) resources)

> ultimately if it works for you to carry on until you are 90 years old ;-) 
> then you should be fine, but I wouldn’t bet either hardware, drivers, OS 
> manufacturers will be trying to stay compatible with Softimage.
Actually both os and hardware manufacturers go to great strides on 
maintaining backwards compatibility when introducing new methods. The 
earliest version of ModTool can run just fine to todays hardware.

If in 10 years things would still be easier in my extra modified SI 2015 
pro plus, and it still works,
(would rather hope alternatives would have greatly improved by then)
you can bet I would personally still be doing stuff in there!
>>> I would like to focus on those day to day scenarios you feel are not easy 
>>> in Houdini, after all we could submit this input to Side Effects.
>>> Is there any particular scenario you feel strongly Softimage is much more 
>>> comfortable/easy/convenient?
>>> :-)
>>> jb
>> Actually, the first email in this thread wasn't just for here, but also with 
>> the intent of posting on Sesi forums ( for the ICE part )
>> while also feeling very compelled to do the same for other parts (probably 
>> as progressively as I would dive deeper in other sections).
> As you get comfortable things will fall in to place and believe me, you will 
> look back and thing… wow… that was not as great as I remembered it…. :-)
I think the point should be to getting towards that (for things to 
become greater than what we remember)
in as many fronts as possible, which as far as I can tell, does indeed 
apply to some aspects,
while not at-all in soo many others.. (right now)

(as opposed to trying to convince myself of that, weather it is true or not)

>> I was very impressed and encouraged by the the reaction / openness from 
>> staff, and later by the results of McNistor's initiative around modeling.
>> And I (along with many others I'm sure) would not want that to end there!
>> Cheers!,
>> -J
> cheers
> jb
Cheers! :)

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