All they’d need is to have an option to hold down ALT or something when moving 
nodes to prevent them connecting. It doesn’t have to be drastic redesign. I’ll 
do a video next week showing how annoying it can be. Often because I don’t 
notice its happened until my tool stops working

From: Olivier Jeannel 
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2017 4:32 PM
To: Official Softimage Users Mailing 
Subject: Re: Random Thoughts about H.

Paul, yes when you freshly arrive from ice, I had that same feeling. I'm twice 
more focused in vop than I was in Ice because of that vicious habit it has to 
connect nodes when you just drag another node near it. 
It has also a crude tendency to autocorupt vop nodes when they turn red 
sometime they just don't come back. No big deal, a copy/ paste of the corrupted 
node often bring  things back.
And when you are in some for each nodes, when dealing with arrays (which are 
far from friendly) it can get really annoying.
But a part from that bad design, houdini really well worth the efforts and the 

On Friday, March 24, 2017, Jonathan Moore <> wrote:

  I’m confident SideFX will sort out any teething problems ref the VOP’s and 
network editor interaction model. I would however suggest that you send a bug 
report in with a video. SideFX are pretty good on this stuff especially when it 
involves new features.

[] On Behalf Of 
  Sent: 24 March 2017 13:05
  To: Official Softimage Users Mailing 
  Subject: Re: Random Thoughts about H.

  I understand that when it works as planned its a good feature and it would be 
really useful if I could control when it does and when it doesn’t happen. (by 
holding a key down for example)

  In ICE, it works fine because it happens when you place a new node. NOT when 
you re-organise the tree. But in Houdini, it happens just when you move nodes a 
bit.  So I  have the choice of either having my nodes spread apart SO far that 
they are tiny and I can’t read them, but the risk is reduced a bit. Or having 
them naturally close, but constantly auto connecting and messsing up my work.

  From: Simon Reeves 

  Sent: Friday, March 24, 2017 12:04 PM

  To: Official Softimage Users Mailing 

  Subject: Re: Random Thoughts about H.

  I feel like if you disabled 'auto connecting dropping nodes onto wires'  youd 
disable a really useful feature, can you not just be more careful ;) 
  and regards to copy + paste, alt+drag to copy is very useful because you can 
place them

  On Fri, 24 Mar 2017 at 11:46 Jonathan Moore 
<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');> wrote:

    The improvements to the network editor in Houdini 16 is probably my 
favourite aspect of the release. It answers many of the complaints you mention 

[] On Behalf Of Olivier Jeannel
    Sent: 24 March 2017 09:46
    To: Official Softimage Users Mailing List.!forum/xsi_list 

    Subject: Re: Random Thoughts about H.

    Getting back to the subject of organisation, I still consider myself as a 
houdini beginner.

    The thing is, it so open that you quickly import the ice science into vop 
and you get comfident enough quickly.

    My experience is with the 15.5, and probably not the latest release.

    I found the stiky notes not that handy ( clicking on it sometimes close it, 
or it gets in the way), naming a node or an area. was a pain, you enter the 
name hit "enter" and it bounces back to its previous name. Having to retype 3 
or 4 times until it catches it correctly.

    The surrounding colored area that you can draw around your network were 
buggy as well. Once the network surrounded it was mostly unworkable...

    So finally I just relied on colored nodes...

    I also found the node editor to be a bit buggy when working with a high 
number of nodes. It can get slow, and the mouse pointer was clicking in an 
unprecize manner (when trying to pick the line between 2 nodes), sometimes 
creating disaster.

    And by high number of nodes i mean : my final scene was having one big 
obj/geo node for the animation, containing a dozen of complete big sop trees 
(with for each, vop, and a few dops, some cachefiles..).

    I found that working within one single big node was better than having to 
jump back and forth into exterior nodes.

    But the downside is that I had to navigate (swim) in that huge forest of 
slow undocumented trees.

    Seems they fixed all this naming, note and coloring in the 16. If someone 
can confirm. 

    On Thursday, March 23, 2017, Andy Goehler 
<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');> wrote:

      Regarding Passes, at first it felt really strange, everything seemed 
different. But after some time and getting into bundles the basics were 
mastered. What always bugged me in Softimage was managing partitions across 
passes. If there were changes you’d be hunting down all the partitions in 
various passes. I’ve always wished for something expression based. With 
wildcards on ROPs and smart bundles this opened the doors of freedom. I never 
worry about that anymore.

      For overrides I use object merges, as Jordi mentioned. This is not ideal, 
but manageable, not to mention extremely flexible and always reflects changes. 
I’ve looked into material style sheets and they are quite powerful, but not as 
nice to manage from a UI perspective. I found I’d rather manage additional 
objects with object merges and their material assignments, etc. Nevertheless, 
MSS can get the job done.

      What I’d wish for is a graph similar to Katana, where nodes collect the 
objects and lights. Additional nodes provide material assignment and overrides. 
Or simply bundles with overrides :D

      I’m still putting the pieces together to file an RFE with SESI.


        On 23.03.2017, at 14:11, Andy Nicholas 
<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');> wrote:

        Yep. Worth mentioning the Material SOP too where you can override on a 
per point/primitive/global level if you need to.

        It was also pointed out to me the other day that the Material SOP is 
capable of generating material stylesheets for you. I'm still getting my head 
around that particular functionality, but I can see it has the potential to be 
very helpful in a more automated pipeline.


        On 23/03/2017 12:36, Jordi Bares wrote:

          Indeed, no matter which software we choose we will certainly miss 
Softimage overrides and passes… Houdini offers a few approaches but none of 
them is as smooth and easy as Softimage. 

          The best route I have round is to use Object_Merges to do the 
overrides but indeed it is not as nice… :-P

          BTW, check Material Style Sheets… will open some new avenues that may 
be useful.


            On 23 Mar 2017, at 08:50, Rob Wuijster 
<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');> wrote:

            @Jordi and others:

            Besides all the new stuff to learn, where - as you said - some 
stuff is easier than others (VEX), my main gripe is rendering.
            I still try to get some workflow running where I can easily create 
Passes/Partitions/overrides like I did in Softimage.

            I know it's not the same thing in H, but not being able to quickly 
override shaders on top scene level, or in bundles is a huge miss.
            It often results in multiple shaders and switches.

            There's also Takes, but from what I've read on it most people stay 
clear from it. And there's material stylesheets which are a tad over-designed 
and not really user friendly imho.

            So any workflows people developed on rendering, after starting to 
use Houdini, are very much welcome.

cheers! Rob \/-------------\/----------------\/On 22-3-2017 11:36, Jordi Bares 

Yet for the points mentioned, I would have an easier time agreeing with you if 
indeed I found "some things to be easier, and others not", whereas beyond what 
could be associated to "XSI muscle memory",  the sheer quantity or proportions 
of things that are not not just easier, but considerably much (much!) easier, 
makes it hard to just overlook and just "go with it", especially when knowing 
how things can be.Putting aside the fact we have to move out of Softimage 
sooner or later (hardware, OS, drivers, freelancers, support, etc… will 
eventually force us out) Putting aside those areas Sofimage can’t compete 
because it does not have the functionality (heavy duty FX mostly, Terrains, 
Game integration, etc…) I would like to focus on those day to day scenarios you 
feel are not easy in Houdini, after all we could submit this input to Side 
Effects. Is there any particular scenario you feel strongly Softimage is much 
more comfortable/easy/convenient? :-) jb------Softimage Mailing List.To 
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  Simon Reeves

  London, UK



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