in this case, in the end math is the end ;)

On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 5:27 PM, Olivier Jeannel <>

> Because, in the end Mirko, math is freedom ;)
> 2017-11-21 17:12 GMT+01:00 Mirko Jankovic <>:
>> So in a nutshell same  with maya you need team of TDs, programmers and
>> tech support to actually use it to full potential.
>> And someone wonders why it was pushed back so fast with other solutions?
>> WHY would anyone have to go into knowing complex math behind the hub
>> instead of actually focusing on what he should do.... make pretty images...
>> ᐧ
>> On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 5:06 PM, Matt Lind <> wrote:
>>> A lot of people don't know this, but mental ray received a HUGE update
>>> last
>>> year with acceleration as much as 20x for global illumination and
>>> related.
>>> The version that ships with Softimage didn't receive this update, of
>>> course.
>>> After acquiring mental ray, Nvidia let it rot for a few years before
>>> deciding they should put effort into it after all, then put significant
>>> work
>>> into it, but not until after many people went to other options.
>>> As much flak as people put towards mental ray, it's actually a very good
>>> renderer, but it requires you have knowledge of raytracing algorithms to
>>> make best use of it.  The problem is most users only used the interactive
>>> version which was hamstrung by the XSI interface which created most of
>>> the
>>> problems related to crashing due to memory constraints and other
>>> issues.  If
>>> you ever used mental ray from the command line on it's own, you'd know it
>>> was actually very fast and stable.  If it had continued to be included
>>> as a
>>> standalone renderer after XSI v2.x, it would've been more popular as
>>> those
>>> serious about rendering would've gone to the command line and/or written
>>> their own scripted UI for it such as with Qt.  Classic case of marketing
>>> ruining a product's profitability.
>>> My only complaint as a shader writer was that mental ray was overly
>>> compartmentalized which sometimes made it difficult to access parts of
>>> the
>>> scene to create comprehensive shading effects.  What you could do with a
>>> single uber shader inside another renderer, required teamwork between
>>> multiple smaller shaders in mental ray.  It was also not documented very
>>> well in the advanced areas.  You had to really figure it out on your own.
>>> While the documentation was accurate, a lot of it didn't make sense until
>>> you already know how the renderer worked.  But once you did, you had a
>>> lot
>>> of power at your finger tips.
>>> Matt
>>> Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2017 09:01:52 +0100
>>> From: Olivier Jeannel <>
>>> Subject: Re: end of another era
>>> To: Anto Matkovic <>, "Official Softimage Users
>>> MR wasn't heaven, but it's again another widely used abandonned software.
>>> Of course the provider will never tell the user that he has stop its
>>> development, no, instead the users finds out waiting months, then years,
>>> that nothing happen or changed on the platform he thinks everything is
>>> fine.
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>> --
>> Mirko Jankovic
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Mirko Jankovic

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