The code has changed so radically between Solr1.2 and Solr1.3 .Because
1.3 is not released most of us have to stick to 1.2 . So anything that
we build must work on 1.2 and if I wish to contribute back to Solr it
has to be 1.3 compatible. SOLR-469 is a good example where I had to
really hack my code hard to ensure that I contained the version
specific dependencies to one file .

This is a good starting point . Let us get the list of issues which
can be easily fixed and apply the patches and push out a release .

On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 2:23 PM, Andrew Savory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> (discussion moved from -user to -dev)
> 2008/5/19 Chris Hostetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> If people are particularly eager to see a 1.3 release, the best thing to
>> do is subscribe to solr-dev and start a dialog there about what issues
>> people thing are "show stopers" for 1.3 and what assistance the various
>> people working on those issues can use.
> So, what are the show stoppers, how can we help, what can we reassign
> to a future release?
> Taking a look through the list there's quite a few issues with patches
> attached that aren't applied yet. Clearing these out would cut the
> open bug count by almost half:
> SOLR-515
> SOLR-438
> SOLR-351 (applied?)
> SOLR-281 (applied?)
> SOLR-424
> SOLR-243 (stuck in review hell?)
> SOLR-433
> SOLR-510
> SOLR-139
> SOLR-521 (applied, waiting to be closed)
> SOLR-284
> SOLR-560
> SOLR-469
> SOLR-572
> SOLR-565
> It's a little weird to see patch 'development' going on in JIRA
> (sometimes for over a year), rather than getting the patches into svn
> and then working there... I'd worry that some valuable code history is
> getting lost along the way? Yes, it's a tough call between adding
> 'bad' code and waiting for the perfect patch, but bad code creates
> healthy communities and is better than no code :-)
> Andrew.
> --
> http://www.andrewsavory.com/

--Noble Paul

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