
2008/5/21 Chris Hostetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> : I'd tend to disagree: committing the patches to trunk allows widespread
> : testing and the chance for wider review of the code to see if it does
> : what it should. Only when the code is part of a release is there any
> : obligation to a proper lifecycle (ongoing support, deprecation, then
> : finally removal).
> True .. but once something is commited it's hard to extract if
> people decide they are unhappy with the API/implementation prior to a
> formal release.  The general philosophy about committing in Solr is
> outlined on the wiki...
> http://wiki.apache.org/solr/CommitPolicy

Sure, Commit-Then-Review vs. Review-Then-Commit ... but I don't
actually think RTC is going to ensure significantly more widespread
review since the time burden on other developers to find the issue in
JIRA, download the patch, apply the patch, test, respond, then revert
the change. Do people really have the time to do that?  It's
significantly more effort than that to svn update, look at code, and
feed back. I prefer detailed discussion on the mailing list (which
supports decent threading, quoting etc, unlike JIRA) followed by
commit of a trial implementation which can then be refactored.
Otherwise there might be a tendency to analysis paralysis. But I'm the
new boy here, so I'll STFU and try to help out on the release instead
of forcing y'all to rehash old discussions on how to run an open
source project ;-) Maybe by the time 1.3 is out the door we'll all be
using distributed SCM systems and the discussion will be moot anyway!


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