+1 for your suggestions Mike.

I'd like to see a few of the smaller issues get committed in 1.3 such as
SOLR-256 (JMX), SOLR-536 (binding for SolrJ), SOLR-430 (SpellChecker support
in SolrJ) etc. Also, SOLR-561 (replication by Solr) would be really cool to
have in the next release. Noble and I are working on it and plan to give a
patch soon.

Mike -- you removed SOLR-563 (Contrib area for Solr) from 1.3 but it is a
dependency for SOLR-469 (DataImportHandler) as it was decided to have
DataImportHandler as a contrib project. It would also be good to have a
rough release roadmaps to work against. Can fixed release cycle (say every 6
months) work for Solr?

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 12:45 AM, Mike Klaas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 20-May-08, at 1:53 AM, Andrew Savory wrote:
>> 2008/5/19 Chris Hostetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>  If people are particularly eager to see a 1.3 release, the best thing to
>>> do is subscribe to solr-dev and start a dialog there about what issues
>>> people thing are "show stopers" for 1.3 and what assistance the various
>>> people working on those issues can use.
>> So, what are the show stoppers, how can we help, what can we reassign
>> to a future release?
> I've gone and reassigned a bunch of issues that were labeled "1.3" by the
> original submitter, if the submitter is not a committer (perhaps this field
> shouldn't be editable by everyone).  That still leaves many issues, several
> of which I don't think are critical for 1.3.
> I propose that we follow an "ownership" process for getting this release
> out the door: we give committers a week to fill in the "assigned to" field
> in JIRA for the 1.3 issues.  Any issue that isn't assigned after one week
> gets moved to a future release.  Then we can each evaluate the issues we are
> responsible for.
> Any non-1.3-marked issues should be added at this time too.
>  Taking a look through the list there's quite a few issues with patches
>> attached that aren't applied yet. Clearing these out would cut the
>> open bug count by almost half:
> But then we'd have to open bug reports for each one that says "make sure
> this actually works and that it is the correct direction for Solr" :)
>  It's a little weird to see patch 'development' going on in JIRA
>> (sometimes for over a year), rather than getting the patches into svn
>> and then working there... I'd worry that some valuable code history is
>> getting lost along the way? Yes, it's a tough call between adding
>> 'bad' code and waiting for the perfect patch, but bad code creates
>> healthy communities and is better than no code :-)
> Committing the code to trunk creates a path dependence and responsibility
> for maintaining the code.  There would also be a high probability of trunk
> never being in a releasable state, given the chance of there being a
> half-baked idea in trunk that we don't want to be bound to for the rest of
> Solr's lifetime.
> (incidentally, this is the same philosophy we apply at my company, except
> that development is usually done in branches rather than patches.)
> -Mike

Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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