: Yes, it's good that lots of Solr people are also Lucene people. But I
: don't think that makes it alright to ship Lucene nightlies or
: snapshots.

Apache Lucene is a TLP, Apache Solr and Apache Lucene-Java are just 
individual products/sub-projects of that TLP.

If the Apache Lucene PMC votes to release a particular bundle of source 
code as "Apache Solr 1.3" and that bundle includes source (or binary) code 
from the Lucene-Java subproject that hasn't already been released (via PMC 
vote) then it is by definition officially released Apache Lucene software.

So in a nutshell: yes it is "alright for Solr to ship Lucene nightlies" -- 
because once the PMC votes on that Solr release, it doesn't matter where 
that Lucene-Java jar came from, it's officially released code.

I'm told there is even precedence for the PMC of a TLP X to vote 
and officially release code from completley seperate TLP Y because Y had 
not had a release and X was ready to go.

Where dependencies on "snapshots" in official releases causes problems is 
when those snapshots are from third parties and/or are not reproducable -- 
where the specific version of the dependencies is unknown and as a result 
the "dependee" can not be reproduced.  We do not have that problem 
with any Apache codebase we have a dependency on.  We know exactly which 
svn revision the dependencies come from, and since the SVN repository is 
public, anyone can recreate it.


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