On Dec 7, 2008, at 3:04 PM, Erik Hatcher wrote:

On Dec 7, 2008, at 2:32 PM, Ryan McKinley wrote:
On Dec 7, 2008, at 11:42 AM, Yonik Seeley wrote:

I notice that SOLR-284 (extraction data handler + tika) is in the
default example now. scriplet
Is this what we want?

I don't think so.

Also, it looks like DataImportHandler puts itself in the war file -- I don't think we want that either.

DIH has a JSP that needs to be in the WAR, unfortunately.

Interestingly, the JSP could be done away with and the VelocityResponseWriter could be used, with templates externalized (in the DIH JAR file, for example) and plugged in as a true lib/ plugin.

yes, it would be nice to get rid of all .jsp and use some other system (i don't care what, but velocity seems like a good choice).

This would let all the admin goodness be available from embedded systems as well as the standard stack. Also it would get rid of the untestable stuff.

However, this may be on the 2.0 list :(


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