: Ignoring the JSP dilemma... DIH's JAR doesn't need to be in the WAR, but can
: ship in a lib/ directory outside the WAR and come in as a plugin.  And Solr
: can ship with all of the contribs wired in to a kitchen-sink example
: configuration.
: There is merit to keeping Solr's WAR and core to the most minimal size
: possible and leveraging the plugin capability to let users reduce the
: footprint and un-used parts.

+1 ... there really shouldn't be any contrib's in the war.  If we're 
worried that asking people to put the DIH jar in the plugin directory is 
too complicated for new users to understand (and i really can't believe 
that: if someone can understand ow to write a data-config.xml then copying 
a jar file should be trivial) we can make a "solr-kitchen-sink.war" that 
contains *every* contrib and *every* dependency in addition to the regular 

But even that seems less useful in general then having a more robust set 
of examples -- where each one gets a lib directory populated with just the 
plugins it's demonstrating (and possibly a "kitchen-sink" example showing 
off all of them)

Honestly: I didn't even realize DIH was adding itself to the war untill 
recently, but then again i've been a little out of touch.

As for the JSP issue: personally, I think ideally we'd eliminate the JSPs 
completley (regardless of wether they are in a contrib or not).  Almost 
every admin JSP we have now could be done as request handler with an XSLT 
directive for the browser to apply (which gives us hte added bonus of 
making the data on all those pages easily machine parsable), but if 
"contribA" has need of some particularly complex server side presentation 
processing then making contribA depend on the velocity contrib seems like 
the best way to go.


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