bq: The issue is caused by a huge query with many wildcards and phrases in it.

Well, the very first thing I'd do is look at whether this is necessary.

For instance:
leading and trailing wildcards are an anti-pattern. You should investigate
using ngrams instead.

trailing wildcards usually resolve to term queries and are usually
quite space-efficieint

leading wildcards are usually best handled by ReverseWildcardFilterFactory.

Very often, large, complex wildcarded queries are a holdover from SQL searching
which is limited to things like %whatever% and don't take into account
things like
the Solr analysis chain. A classic example is people searching for run*
to find runner, running, runs etc., all of which can be handled by stemming.


On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 2:06 AM, Modassar Ather <> wrote:
> So Toke/Daniel is the node showing *gone* on Solr cloud dashboard is
> because of GC pause and it is actually not gone but the ZK is not able to
> get the correct state?
> The issue is caused by a huge query with many wildcards and phrases in it.
> If you see I have mentioned about (*The request took too long to iterate
> over terms.). *So does it mean that the terms which are getting expanded
> has taken the amount of memory? Just trying to understand what consumes so
> much of memory.
> I am trying to reproduce the OOM by executing multiple queries in parallel
> but not able to whereas I am seeing the memory usage going up by more than
> 90+% for Solr JVM. So what happens to the query which is executed in
> parallel. Do they wait for such query to timeout/complete which is taking
> lot of time and resources?
> We also have migration to java 8 on our things to do list and will try with
> different GC settings.
> On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 2:08 PM, Daniel Collins <>
> wrote:
>> Ah ok, its ZK timeout then
>> (org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$SessionExpiredException)
>> which is because of your GC pause.
>> The page Shawn mentioned earlier has several links on how to investigate GC
>> issues and some common GC settings, sounds like you need to tweak those.
>> Generally speaking, I believe Java 8 is considered better for GC
>> performance than 7, so you probably want to investigate that.  GC tuning is
>> very dependent on the load on your system. You may be running close yo the
>> limit under normal load, and that 1 big query is enough to tip it over the
>> edge.  We have seen similar issues from time to time. We are still running
>> an older Java 7 build with G1GC which we found worked well for us (though
>> CMS seems to be the general consensus on the list here), migrating to Java
>> 8 is on our "list of things to do", so our settings are probably not that
>> relevant.
>> On 18 August 2015 at 09:04, Toke Eskildsen <> wrote:
>> > On Tue, 2015-08-18 at 10:38 +0530, Modassar Ather wrote:
>> > > Kindly help me understand, even if there is a a GC pause why the solr
>> > node
>> > > will go down.
>> >
>> > If a stop-the-world GC is in progress, it is not possible for an
>> > external service to know if this is because a GC is in progress or the
>> > node is dead. If the GC takes longer than the relevant timeouts, the
>> > external conclusion is that it is dead.
>> >
>> > In you next post you state that there is very heavy GC going on, so it
>> > would seem that your main problem is that your heap is too small for
>> > your setup.
>> >
>> > Getting OOM for a 200GB index with 24GB heap is not at all impossible,
>> > but it is a bit of a red flag. If you have very high values for your
>> > caches or perform faceting on a lot of different fields, that might be
>> > the cause. If you describe your setup in more detail, we might be able
>> > to help find the cause for your relatively high heap requirement.
>> >
>> > - Toke Eskildsen, State and University Library, Denmark
>> >
>> >
>> >

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