When you say "the solr node goes down", what do you mean by that? From your
comment on the logs, you obviously lose the solr core at best (you do
realize only having a single replica is inherently susceptible to failure,
But do you mean the Solr Core drops out of the collection (ZK timeout), the
JVM stops, the whole machine crashes?

On 17 August 2015 at 14:17, Shawn Heisey <apa...@elyograg.org> wrote:

> On 8/17/2015 5:45 AM, Modassar Ather wrote:
> > The servers have 32g memory each. Solr JVM memory is set to -Xms20g
> > -Xmx24g. There are no OOM in logs.
> Are you starting Solr 5.2.1 with the included start script, or have you
> installed it into another container?
> Assuming you're using the download's "bin/solr" script, that will
> normally set Xms and Xmx to the same value, so if you have overridden
> the memory settings such that you can have different values in Xms and
> Xmx, have you also overridden the garbage collection parameters?  If you
> have, what are they set to now?  You can see all arguments used on
> startup in the "JVM" section of the admin UI dashboard.
> If you've installed in an entirely different container, or you have
> overridden the garbage collection settings, then a 24GB heap might have
> extreme garbage collection pauses, lasting long enough to exceed the
> timeout.
> Giving 24 out of 32GB to Solr will mean that there is only (at most) 8GB
> left over for caching the index.  With 200GB of index, this is nowhere
> near enough, and is another likely source of Solr performance problems
> that cause timeouts.  This is what Upayavira was referring to in his
> reply.  For good performance with 200GB of index, you may need a lot
> more than 32GB of total RAM.
> https://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrPerformanceProblems
> This wiki page also describes how you can use jconsole to judge how much
> heap you actually need.  24GB may be too much.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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