On Tue, 2015-08-18 at 10:38 +0530, Modassar Ather wrote:
> Kindly help me understand, even if there is a a GC pause why the solr node
> will go down.

If a stop-the-world GC is in progress, it is not possible for an
external service to know if this is because a GC is in progress or the
node is dead. If the GC takes longer than the relevant timeouts, the
external conclusion is that it is dead.

In you next post you state that there is very heavy GC going on, so it
would seem that your main problem is that your heap is too small for
your setup.

Getting OOM for a 200GB index with 24GB heap is not at all impossible,
but it is a bit of a red flag. If you have very high values for your
caches or perform faceting on a lot of different fields, that might be
the cause. If you describe your setup in more detail, we might be able
to help find the cause for your relatively high heap requirement.

- Toke Eskildsen, State and University Library, Denmark

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