On 3/24/2019 12:11 PM, Wendy2 wrote:
Thank you very much for your response! Here is a screen shot.  Is the CPU an

You said that your index is 6GB, but the process listing is saying that you have more than 30GB of index data being managed by Solr. There's a discrepancy somewhere.

This listing appears to be sorted by CPU, not by resident memory as the instructions I pointed you at indicated. I can't be sure whether or not something important is missing from the listing. For now I am going to assume that I can see everything important.

What happens if you restart Solr or reload your core and then do the same query with rows=0? Is that fast or slow? If it is slow, then it is not retrieving the data that is slow, but the query itself.

Retrieving a large number of rows normally involves decompressing stored fields. This will exercise the CPU.

It looks like you have a 4GB heap for Solr. With over 30GB of index, it's entirely possible that 4GB of heap is not enough ... or it might be plenty. It's not super easy to figure out exactly how much heap you need. Usually it requires experimentation.

You are sharing this machine between Solr and mongodb. Depending on how much data is in the mongo database, you might need to add more memory or split your services onto different machines.


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