Hi Shawn,Thanks for your response.  I have several Solr cores on the same
Solr instance. The particular core with slow retrieve response has 6 gb
data. Sorry for the confusion.I restart Solr and ran same query with rows=0
vs 10000, QTime for both are OK, so I guess it is the retrieving slow? I
also tried return different rows, the more rows, the longer retrieving time.
The machine has 64G ram, I tried 32G for Solr Heap memory, but the
performance didn't improve much.  Any suggestions?  Thank you very
much!=============================Return 0 rows:232  --.-KB/s    in 0s { 
"responseHeader":{    "status":0,    "QTime":96,    "params":{     
"q":"human",      "fl":"pdb_id,score",      "start":"0",      "rows":"0"}}, 
"response":{"numFound":67428,"start":0,"maxScore":246.08528,"docs":[]  }}~      
Return 10000 rows: 584.46K  65.4KB/s    in 8.9s {  "responseHeader":{   
"status":0,    "QTime":39,    "params":{      "q":"human",     
"fl":"pdb_id,score",      "start":"0",      "rows":"10000"}}, 
"response":{"numFound":67428,"start":0,"maxScore":246.08528,"docs":[      {

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