If the fields you’re returning have to be pulled from the store=“true” parts of 
the index, then each value returned requires
1> a disk read
2> decompressing 16K minimum

which is what Shawn was getting at.

Try this:
1> insure docValues=true for the field. You’ll have to re-index all your docs.
2> if that doesn’t make much of a difference, try adding useDocValuesAsStored 
for the field.

You’ll have to make sure your index is warmed up to get good measurements.

And be aware that if you’re displaying this in a browser, the browser itself 
may be taking a long time to render the results. To eliminate that, try sending 
the query with curl or similar.

Finally, Solr was not designed to be efficient at returning large numbers of 
rows. You may well want to use streaming for that: 


> On Mar 24, 2019, at 3:30 PM, Wendy2 <wendy....@rcsb.org> wrote:
> Hi Shawn,Thanks for your response.  I have several Solr cores on the same
> Solr instance. The particular core with slow retrieve response has 6 gb
> data. Sorry for the confusion.I restart Solr and ran same query with rows=0
> vs 10000, QTime for both are OK, so I guess it is the retrieving slow? I
> also tried return different rows, the more rows, the longer retrieving time.
> The machine has 64G ram, I tried 32G for Solr Heap memory, but the
> performance didn't improve much.  Any suggestions?  Thank you very
> much!=============================Return 0 rows:232  --.-KB/s    in 0s { 
> "responseHeader":{    "status":0,    "QTime":96,    "params":{     
> "q":"human",      "fl":"pdb_id,score",      "start":"0",      "rows":"0"}}, 
> "response":{"numFound":67428,"start":0,"maxScore":246.08528,"docs":[]  }}~    
> Return 10000 rows: 584.46K  65.4KB/s    in 8.9s {  "responseHeader":{   
> "status":0,    "QTime":39,    "params":{      "q":"human",     
> "fl":"pdb_id,score",      "start":"0",      "rows":"10000"}}, 
> "response":{"numFound":67428,"start":0,"maxScore":246.08528,"docs":[      {
> <http://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/file/t493740/ScreenShot2019-03-24at6.png> 
> --
> Sent from: http://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/Solr-User-f472068.html

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