Glad it’s working out for you. There are a couple of things here that bear a 
bit more investigation.

Using SSDs shouldn’t materially affect the response if:

1> the searcher is warmed. Before trying your query, execute a few queries like 
“q="some search that hits a log of docs"&sort=myfield asc”

2> Your Solr instance isn't swapping.

What’s not making sense is that once docValues are read into memory, there is 
_no_ disk access necessary, assuming the DV structure for the field has not 
been swapped out.

Things that may be getting in the way:

- you are asking for _any_ fields to be returned that are not docValues

- you are not getting the docValues (useDocValuesAsStored=true)

- your Solr instance is swapping. DocValues data is kept in the OS memory 
space, see:

- you haven’t warmed up your searchers to read these values off disk before you 

Your results are in line with expectations, but can’t account for the 
difference between your old system and new. Perhaps when you re-indexed you had 
some docValues that weren’t before?


> On Mar 25, 2019, at 10:44 AM, Wendy2 <> wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> Thank you very much for your response! I tried 
> "Try this: 
> 1> insure docValues=true for the field. You’ll have to re-index all your
> docs. "
> I tried the above approach as you recommended, the performance was getting
> better, reduced about 3 seconds.
> Then I tested on a new cloud server with local SSD for one core on Solr, the
> performance was great.
> With 50000 rows to retrieve, the response time was 0.2s, which is better
> than our acceptance criteria :-)
> So happy.  Thank you!
> =================testing====================
> wget -O output.txt
> 'http://localhost:8983/solr/s_entry/select?fl=pdb_id,score&q=human&start=0&rows=50000'
> --2019-03-25 10:23:21-- 
> http://localhost:8983/solr/s_entry/select?fl=pdb_id,score&q=human&start=0&rows=50000
> Resolving localhost (localhost)... ::1,
> Connecting to localhost (localhost)|::1|:8983... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
> Length: unspecified [application/json]
> Saving to: 'output.txt'
> output.txt                                                                 [
> <=>                                                                           
> ]   2.90M  16.1MB/s    in 0.2s    
> --
> Sent from:

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